The Journey of Life

Constantly on the move
Akin to the life of a nomad
Miles away from the groove
As diverse as the region could be
New schools brought new friends
To leave footprints in my life
With assorted psyche and blends
Fun filled was the daily commute
Anecdotes and amusing accents
The adjustments for the strangers
And humorous couplets for vents
The elder of the two was I
So folks were right to expect
I had to lead by example
For the little to learn and reflect
Sooner than I could realize
The years had just flown by
Now MBA and an arduous worker
Without a moment to sigh
Scores of hours each day
I play the numbers game
With an ardor to be the best
And earn the name and fame
With goals and aims set high
Yet grounded are my feet
In pursuit of her, am I
Who'll make my life complete.
P.S: A friend's legend rhymed in ink here.
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